Ethiopian Landrace
Ethiopian Landrace Natural
– Data Sheet
Region: Pitalito, Huila – Colombia
Altitude: 1.500 – 1.700 m.a.s.l
Varieties: Ethiopian Landrace
Drying: Parabolic Drying
Processing: Natural
Fermentation: 45hrs Aerobic
Notes: Guava, Plums, Red Fruits, Black Berries and Bitter Chocolate
SCA Score: >87
Farm Info
Las Veraneras, owned by Rodrigo Sanchez and his wife Claudia, is located in the Peñas Blancas mountain range, between Acevedo and Pitalito, at 1500–1750 meters above sea level. Surrounded by 200 hectares of forest reserve and 75 hectares dedicated to coffee, the farm thrives in a climate with an average temperature of 22°C. The farm is home to over 20 coffee varieties, including Sudan Rume, Mocca, Caturra Purpura, Pacamara, and Geisha.
Processing Method
- Selection: Cherries are harvested at 20° Brix with a pH of 5.6–5.9.
- Fermentation: Coffee ferments aerobically for 45 hours, then floats to remove impurities.
- Drying: Beans dry for 25–30 days to reach the perfect processing point.
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