Organic Blend


Organic Blend Natural

– Data Sheet

Region: Pitalito, Huila – Colombia
Farm: Montebonito
Altitude: 1.400 – 1.600 m.a.s.l

Varieties: Caturra, Castillo , Colombia
Drying: Sun Drying
Processing: Natural
Fermentation: 50hrs Aerobic

Notes: Honey, Sweet Syrup, Jasmine and Yellow Fruits
SCA Score: >86

Farm Info

The Organic Natural Blend is produced by Rodrigo Sanchez at Finca Montebonito, located in El Rosal, Pitalito, at 1,400–1,600 masl near the Magdalena River. The farm grows varieties like Caturra, Purple Caturra, Pacamara, and Colombia, thriving under shaded coffee plantations and surrounded by natural forests. These conditions, along with ongoing research, enhance the quality of Montebonito’s specialty coffees.

Processing Method

  • Selection: Coffee cherries (25°–27° Brix, pH 5.6–5.9) are handpicked and floated to remove defects.
  • Fermentation: Harvested coffee ferments for 50 hours in a trailer.
  • Drying: Beans dry in a parabolic dryer for 20 days, with regular raking to ensure uniformity.
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